This photo was taken on the 24/11/07 at Pantai Tungku, again. Was fun and just to release some stress after heavy duty revision as examination week just started (26/11). I guess i do love going to the beaches. Its been awhile that my friends and i went there. Still look the same, except for the winds and waves. Bazilin was doing some video recording while i took some shots. Both of us were closed and both of us were waiting for a big wave to hit the rocks and shot the after effects. And we got more than what we wanted, a big splash, got wet on the rock. Like a bucket full of water being splashed at us. First time both of us to see or feel strong waves like that in Brunei. I was really wet, same goes with my camera.
Pretty strong waves i say, must be global warming effect. Trust me, global warming is a big issue. This semester, we learn about
Kepanasan globalisasi or Global warming. People ignore what is important until they lose it. Nature is something beautiful and you cannot recreate it. So, must we human destroy our air 'supply' just for greed? Or destroy the only home we called earth?
Here is some link that you might think its is USEFUL.
Wikipedia - Global Left side of Pantai Tungku
Rocks and skies
I was attacked
Whole site
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